(By; Sophie Warren-Smith, Homes & Gardens - Jan 2023)
How can I decorate my house for spring?
13 easy ways interior design experts freshen up their homes. From fast fixes to whole home rethinks, these ideas really work
We relish this time of year when we can once again decorate our homes for spring. But what are the most impactful ways to introduce spring decor ideas into a home?
We asked interior designers how they do it.
There are so many ways to decorate a home for spring, from introducing simple but pretty spring mantel decor ideas through to refreshing whole house colour schemes.
Swap In Spring Colours With Soft Furnishings
Swapping out soft furnishings with something bright yet soft as we transition from winter to spring is the perfect way to freshen up any room or scheme. Softly coloured velvet pillows, comforters and blankets can all work well to add a bright airy feel for spring with the latter two ensuring there's another warm layer at hand as the night can still be chilly,' says Georgina Cave, creative director and founder of Cave Interiors.
Other spring-refresh swaps include changing rugs around: you could have a complete revamp and swap one from upstairs to downstairs, or if you have storage space. swap a heavier design for a lighter weight cotton version and roll up the winter rug until fall.